Parliament of 1Malaysia, After Sitting...
KUIZ 07-030711
Kuiz Pencerahan:
Enlightening Quiz:
Bagaimana bil letrik ajip & imah cecah 100ribu sebulan?
How could the electric bill for ajip & imah touches 100thousand a month?
A. ajip hari2 kena pakai 30-40pasang suit, vest, kemeja, talileher, singlet, seluar, spender & stokin, yg mana setiap semua itu perlu digosok penuh teliti & menyeluruh, hatta menggunakan letrik sebanyak 5ribu sebulan
everyday ajip has to wear 30-40pairs of suits, vests, shirts, neckties, singlets, trousers, briefs & socks, each of which has to be ironed carefully & completely; thus using electricity worth 5thousand a month
B. ajip hari2 berpeluh muka bila berhadapan 300-400orang pemberita2 key-poh yg bertalu2 bertanya seribusatu soalan pelbagai sudut, hatta perlukan kedua2 penghawa dingin 10hp & satu kipas angin berbilah 60inci, yg menyelaraskan bil sebanyak 10ribu sebulan
everyday ajip sweats in the face when confronted by 300-400 inquisitive journalists who relentlessly fire a thousand and one questions to cover various angles; thus requiring both a 10hp aircond and a fan with 60inch blades, which push up the bill by 10thosand a month
C. ajip hari2 teramatsangat gemar & bertungkuslumus berjimak - mungkin dgn imah atau mungkin dgn penyanyi atau mungkin dgn model tilam atau mungkin dgn jurualihbahasa (juruoral) yang mungkin dari ulanbator atau kawasan2 yg sewaktu dgnnya - hatta perlu menggunakan pemanas air di bilik air untuk upacara membersih sebelum & selepas acara jimak, penghawadingin ketika di bilik jimak, lampu2 kelamromantis dalam bilik jimak & bilik air, serta alat2 'vibrator' pelbagai jenis/saiz menggunakan arus elektrik ac/dc (bukan bateri), hatta bil elektrik selaras lagi 15ribu
everyday ajip likes so much to vigorously engage in copulation - maybe with imah or maybe with a singer or maybe with a mattress model or maybe with a translator ("orallator") who may be from ulanbator or somewhere else within the same time zone - therefore requiring the use of water heater in the shower for cleansing rituals before and after copulating, aircond while inside the copulation room, dim romantic lights inside the copulation room and the bathroom, as well as vibrators of various types/sizes using ac/dc currents (not batteries); hence the electric bill rises again by 15thousand
D. imah teramatsangat gemar membeli & mengumpul koleksi teramatsangat besar (3-4ribu utas/pasang) beg2kulit berjenama (mungkin birkin dsbnya) & juga kasut2, yg setiap satu memerlukan pengudaraan menyeluruh & berterusan sepanjanghari untuk mengelak bau masam dari peluh2 badan/kaki sendiri, hatta kipas2 exhaust yg berderet ini menselaras bil letrik lagi sebanyak 20ribu sebulan
imah loves so much to buy & keep as a very huge collection (3-4thousand pieces/pairs) of branded leather bags (maybe birkin etc) & shoes; each requiring comprehensive & continuous air circulation the entire day to prevent from being smelly due to sweat from her own body/feet; therefore a long row of exhaust fans push up the electric bill by 20thousand more
E. imah teramatsangat gemar makan makan & makan, hatta penghawadingin perlu dibina khas untuknya di setiap bilik & ruang di kediaman rasmi dengan berkuasa tinggi & berfungsi sepanjangmasa bagi menyejukkan tubuhgempal beliau yang dibaluti lapisan kulit campur lemak-bawah-kulit setebal 3-4inci, seterusnya bil letrik bulanan selaras mendadak sebanyak 50ribu!
imah loves very much to eat eat & eat, such that an airconditioning system has to be specially built for her in every room & space in the official residence with high power & functioning continuously in order to cool her plump body which is wrapped by a layer of skin plus a layer of fat underneath that skin with thickness of 3-4inches; this causing the monthly electric bill to jump drastically by 50thousand!
F. akibat teramatsangat marah dengan sikap boros ajip & imah ketika rakyat sendiri dipujuk berjimatcermat dahulu, maka pada pandangan rakyat setiap & kesemua di atas memang benar dan menyebabkan jumlah bil elektrik 100ribu sebulan!! (walaupun rakyat sedar ajip, contohnya, selalu berjimak di luar, bukannya selalu di rumah menggunakan pelbagai peralatan elektrik yang dinyatakan)
due to extreme anger towards the extravagant spending attitude of ajip & imah at a time when the people themselves are asked to be thrifty first, therefore in the eyes of the people each & all of the above are true and causing their electricity bill to reach 100thousand a month!! (even though the people are aware that, for example, ajip usually copulates at other places, not at home and using all those mentioned electrical appliances)
G. tiada satu pun di atas adalah benar samasekali
not even one of the above is true whatsoever
H. saya cuma pentingkan hal saya dan tidak hirau kenapa bil letrik sesiapa pun boleh selaras teramatsangat tinggi berbanding bil letrik saya sendiri
i only pay attention to my own issues and do not care the least why whomever's electric bill can get so frigging high compared to my own bill
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